Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Sick Anyway

Well, I got sick anyway... Last night my nose would not stop and today my throat hurts. Just a cold, but so annoying! I called in sick to my pregnancy check up doc appointment... was not looking forward to driving downtown with three kids. Josh stayed home and took care of me.

Now just because I feel useless... doesn't mean I was completely useless tod
ay. I got some things done for JNT Productions (my almost extinct business which is slowly coming back to life) organized emails from the office (my day job), and did some stuff for Primary (my church calling). The biggest thing I did was clean up my desk. Everything was migrating to different piles on the floor and taking over my room. So I'm posting my before and after shots of my desk area.


Before Picture: I took a picture of Seth (who is badly in need of a haircut) sitting in my chair and you can see the madness all over behind him. He's wrapped in his new fleece blanket and holding the stuffed Panda Express bear that Zack picked out for me for Christmas. I suppose he thought I needed one because they all have one. And it's funny because they come into my room to get it and play with it and then bring it back when they're done, so maybe they just wanted another panda bear...?

Story of the Panda Bears: When we went to Sig's wedding, her mom gave each of my children a stuffed panda bear that coincided with their ages. It was kind of a thank you for being in the wedding (Sarah was a flower girl and Zack was ring bearer). Seth's is like a roley poley baby bear which he named Cheerio Cereal Haley. Zack's is a little older and he named it Zinny Eyeball Haley. Sarah's is biggest and oldest and she named it Cherry Berry Haley.


After Picture: Clean desk! Still crazy with the wires hanging down the back, but lots of leg room and we're able to walk near the desk without threat of avalanche.

It feels good to be able to sit at my desk now. Getting things cleaned up is a good way to relieve stress and also a good effort towards making this year a less stressful one. We'll see how long I can keep my desk like this. I'll post a picture of it when it gets crazy again (it's inevitable) and we'll document how many days I kept up with my New Year's resolution.


Josh Haley said...

Get better soon, honey!

Stewartville est. 1995 said...

i think i get a high on organizing.

Stewartville est. 1995 said...

cleaning sucks the big one....but like ah, how do i describe....

it is my favorite hobby!

I know this is prob a disease

Trish said...

You and Kristen would get along great. She's actually wishing she were here to help me organize my room. It is a disease. I guess we're all infected.