Monday, January 7, 2008

Can She Do It?

Josh and I are meeting up in the living room to watch a show in a bit, but in the meantime I am supposed to be working and getting lots done! Guess what I've been doing? Emailing, looking at google maps so that I can map my shopping route after my doctor appointment tomorrow, checking out the links Josh emailed me on what to buy for my computer.... I've been doing everything except work.

And what can I possibly have to do for work on my last week with the big belly? Let's see... I've finished all the write up for the Grapevine. Luckily, Josh rescued a bunch of files from my "sleeps with the fishes" hard drive and I didn't have to do them all over again. Amen and amen... work has agreed to buy me a new hard drive--yahoo! It pays to live with the geek squad. So now all I gotta do is make a calendar for Vacaville, Fairfield, Dixon, Benicia, San Ramon, Pleasanton, Livermore, and Rocklin... yep, ladies and gents... that's 8 calendars by Wednesday (my original lofty goal... but it will probably be more like Thursday). Can she do it, folks? Cast your votes or say a prayer for her! And I'll be sure to keep you posted.

But that's not all! There's a little bit of write up for Rocklin to do, but not much. I'll probably do stuff for that book post baby. Oh, and don't forget that I'm still trying to get approval from a client on embroidery for my big order of the year... hopefully we can begin production this week. And I have to remember to pay sales taxes before the month is up.

Other than that, I'm good. Oh, but I do have a presidency meeting tomorrow night... more like a passing of the torch to the capable ladies that serve with me in the Primary presidency. And then I also agreed to watch a squishy baby boy and his sister (a new sunbeam!) tomorrow night at the same time. My kids adore them, so I figure I can get in a quick hug or two and then let them play while we have a meeting.

My kids cleaned their bathroom today, so I think we're looking good on that end for my mom and bro to come, but I still have to go in and inspect just to be sure. Then I have to tackle my bathroom... Let's see... laundry is done... dishes could use some attention... house is in order... desk area is still clean (can you believe it?!)... and so I think I'm doing OK. Oh! And I have to get over this cold... getting cut open and coughing just doesn't go well together, you know?

And allelujah, the kids go back to school tomorrow! Oh Happy Day! They are so ready to get a life, too. Seth said on the first day of break, "I want to go to school and learn." It was funny because he said it in a weird high pitched voice with a serious, raised eyebrow look. Kids need purpose in their lives, too. We have to get them out of the house and enough of the chocolates and treats already! The holidays are over!

But Susie did bring me some yummy bon bons tonight. She made oreo truffles and was kind enough to share. The note said that they were the last family night treat as a family of five. Awww! She's so amazing. We didn't even do family night tonight... us slackers, but we sure enjoyed the treat!



OK, Susie brought rolls on Sunday, and bon bons on Monday? Man, I want a Susie! MYLY

Stewartville est. 1995 said...

dude, i used to live in bro went to grapvine high

how funny

everybody wants a piece of me.

there ain't nuff soosee to go around!
unless you pay....small unmarked bills please

Stewartville est. 1995 said...


ha ha ah ha ha ha