Thursday, January 10, 2008

17-hours Til Baby

It's almost time! Life is about to change... in just hours. And what am I doing with my last night of a good night's sleep? Right now I'm waiting for dinner. Yep... I know it's late... we had a slow start tonight... half the adults are jet lagged. Doo is making spam, onions, cut green beans in tomato sauce, Mom made a salad with mangoes sliced in it, and I made the rice. Sarah, Zack and Josh are playing Guitar Hero III and Seth fell asleep on the couch. All the while we are chatting, telling stories, making each other laugh.

Today I got a bunch of calls from different friends/family wishing me good luck and to say they are there if I need anything and that I'm in their prayers. It's so nice to be thought of. I'll have to remember to keep this happy thought in my head when I'm getting wheeled to the OR... and I get a little anxious.

This will be our first experience delivering a baby in Texas. Being our fourth child, you would think we have lots of experience under our belts, but it's still kind of weird not knowing what to expect exactly. Going to the hospital is still an unknown. I know we have to show up two hours early and fill out paperwork, but I've never done it at this hospital, so it's all pretty vague. I am used to visualizing how my day will go... probably leftovers from being taught to visualize yourself hitting the ball in sports... and I can't think past 3:00 pm.

Susie helps me out by pointing out that it's only hours away that I'll be holding a baby. She said, "It's not even a day anymore, Trish, it's like hours.." And then I get excited and try to picture it, but I still have so much to do!

Dinner is ready, though, and I need to eat! Maybe I'll blog some more tomorrow. Or not. You'll get a call from us when baby is on the outside.