Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Heat is ON!

Josh finally turned the heat on last night. And yet, the smell of deer corn pervades the household because the kids are really into taking a corn bag to bed with them. Even Josh succumbed and took one to bed last night. I was shocked because he really doesn't like the way they smell. I think they smell like warm milk and Seth thinks they smell like popcorn. I like how you can take one to bed and keep it under the covers and it's still warm in the morning. That's some serious heat retention.

We got our first deer corn bag last Christmas from our friends, the Bowens. At the time, I did a google search and found a good site where the lady had researched different materials to make into a heatable bag for the nursing home where she worked. Deer corn was ideal because it didn't rot and has a natural hole in the kernels so that they don't pop, and her research led to the use of uniform sized bags that could be heated in one minute and given out to residents. I can't find the site now, which is too bad, but now I see that there are a lot of people making and selling these bags online now. I had to really dig last year, and now they're everywhere.

Next time we go to Port A, we'll stop at a place that sells a 50 pound bag for $5 and get another bag. The only downfall to that great deal is using up the bag before the weevils move into the bag.

And that's my post for January 3, 2008... I'm doing well, huh? Keeping up with my resolution... only we'll see what the time stamp turns out to be because the computer says it's after midnight... It would be nice if blogspot is late. So here goes nothing....



We love the warmers. We even put them in the freezer. Thanks so much for them. And you are right, they stay warm for a very long time!

Stewartville est. 1995 said...

we love ours...thank you haleys

Trish said...

You're welcome! Glad to have given a practical gift that gets used... what in the world will I do next year?