Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Seth!

Seth is six! He had a fun day... He ate McDonald's for lunch (yours truly had to actually get out of the car and go into Walmart to get it since they tore down the stand alone building and are building another one... we never go to McD's so he was stoked); had Ninja Turtles and Backyardigans cupcakes to share with his classmates, got to wear his pj's to school since it was Polar Express Day for the kindergarteners (they got a ticket and "rode" a train to the North Pole to see Santa who gave them a jingle bell necklace); got to open presents in the morning, afternoon and night; ate a special dinner of his choice (corn dogs and french fries); had a double chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (which he carved his name into before cutting and serving); spent lots of time taking pictures with his new digital camera that he got from Gma Niki and Gpa Randy; then put himself to bed around 10:30pm. What a day!

I'm exhausted... had a late night last night with the girls watching an old black and white movie - The Ghost and Mrs. Muir - and loved it! Except for the part where she kisses a creep (gross!) and never kisses the dashing Captain. Well, they did leave some for the imagination back in the old days, I'll give them that. I used to watch a TV series by the same name that was most likely made after this movie. I digress. The point is, I slept three hours last night.

So I've been running on fumes all day. Didn't exactly hit all my deadlines today with work, but I got the most urgent things done. The rest of the day was dedicated to Seth's birthday, primary preparations (baptism tomorrow and teaching the senior primary ST), getting together a gift basket for the missionaries, and baking like crazy.

I have to put this down even though I'm about to fall over... it was a Christmas miracle, I tell ya. I began the evening by making Seth's cake, followed by brownies to put in the gift basket, then got a wild idea to make rolls for the gift basket (and Josh--or I wouldn't live to see another day), then decided to also do Ginger Snaps since the oven was already on, and then decided to make Toffee Butter Crunch (gotta send to Tony since he liked it the last time I made it for Christmas). I also got Sarah to get down the deep fryer to fry the french fries, stuck the corn dogs in the oven, and slapped the ketchup on the table for one of the easiest meals ever made. I forgot that I had bought broccoli to go with it so that Seth could get some kind of vitamin in him today. Oops!

Now I'm working on baptism stuff. I'm thinking I should just go to bed and then get up early tomorrow, but I don't want the laughter to build up inside me and short circuit the one cable I'm running on right now. I want to at least make it to the bed before I tip over.


Fancy Nancy Pants said...

Toffee Butter crunch sounds yuuuuummmmmy! I love any toffee butter anything. Will you post of send me a recipie on my blog???
I just wanted to say thanks for commenting on my post....
Susan always talks about you - how sweet and good you are, how your such a good friends, etc. It's fun getting to know you through her and through this wild world of blogging. Anyway, when I come down to Texas for a visit I'll have to make Susie introduce me to you because you sound awsome.

I wish so bad we would move there. Hopefully we will move and be down in there in a couple years! I miss Texas!

Fancy Nancy Pants said...

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Seth!


Slow down Mommy! You are going so fast. You are making me tired. Happy Birthday Sethy, and Happy Anniversary Josh and Trish. AND, Happy late birthday Sarah! Wow, busy month. We love you!

Stewartville est. 1995 said...

ya you better move here nancy.

and don't worry trish, you won't be chopped liver.

happy bday seth

i love his smile and i'm sure he wore it alllllll day!